Today was our last day with Jesse for the next week and a half. Jesse said he was ready to hang out on his own, work really hard every day in therapy and start to regain some of his independence. It was a mature and brave decision by an incredible young man.
The therapists are working with Jesse in every way they can while the entire team tries to get his wounds healed up so he can move into a more intensive physical therapy schedule. His goal is to leave here in September by his own power, pushing himself in a manual wheelchair and with no tracheotomy in his throat. Anything in addition to that will be a bonus.
Friday during his therapy his PT was electronically stimulating his leg and Jesse felt it for the first time. His muscles are responding to everything they do and as soon as he’s healthy enough, Jesse plans to have them doing therapy with him all day, every day. He starts his accupuncture therapy on Tuesday the 24th and massage therapy this coming week as well.
When he’s in his room and not with a nurse, he’s going to get bored and/or lonely. If you were wondering when would be a good time to contact him, this would be a good time. Here are the best ways to contact him:
1. Through this web site – see Contact Us page and Send Jesse a Messege.
2. Through FaceBook – send him a friend request at
Contact him, setup a time to skype with him, help keep him company between June 24th and July 3rd when one of his many battles will be battling lonliness – and that’s one battle we can help him overcome easily.
Thanks – Dave