It has been a long two weeks since the last post. Jesse has had to endure incredible pain that the pain killer meds only partly helped abate and then he went through 5 straight days of nausea last week. He goes back to the hospital tomorrow for a post surgical evaluation and to have the staples removed from his stomach scar, so we will know more about his recovery at that time. He needs LOTS of words of encouragement, LOTS of acts of support, and anything else you can think of that will help him. Our goal is for Jesse to recover from this latest surgery, start eating/drinking on his own, get the tracheotomy out of his throat and finally get to focus on just the physical rehab. As he accomplishes those milestones, we will post the news here, so please check back often.
Final note 1: for those of you who have already donated to one of Jesse’s funds, thank you very much, we are trying to get thank you notes out as soon as possible, just a lot to do these days. Please know your personal thank you is coming and please spread the word to your contacts in an effort to help us get closer to our financial goal which we are only 10% there at this point. Thank you very much.
Final note 2: if you have not yet donated to either of Jesse’s funds, please do what you can. Every donation helps. We are far short of our goal right now and need much more support and a larger group of people seeing Jesse’s story to get us closer to the goal. If you cannot donate yourself, you can still help by sending his story and an appeal to your contacts who can make a donation. Thank you.